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lunes, 20 de septiembre de 2010


1. SHIPPER (From) - Enter the company name and address of the shipper (Consignor).
2. POINT OF ORIGIN (At) - Enter the city and state of the actual shipping point.
3. DATE OF SHIPMENT - Enter the date of the shipment; that is, the date the Carrier took control of the merchandise.
4. TRUCK/FREIGHT - Check the truck block if the shipment is to move by truck, or the Freight block if the shipment is to move by rail.
5. SHIPPER'S NUMBER - Enter a unique control number to reference the shipment with the Carrier.
6. CARRIER - Enter the name of the company which will take initial control of the shipment and cause its delivery to the consignee.
7. AGENT'S NUMBER - Enter Carrier's control number, if known or required.
8. CONSIGNED TO - Enter the full of the final recipient of the shipment, the ultimate consignee, if different than destination, for Carrier notification purposes.
9. DESTINATION - Enter the street address, city, and zip code where the Carrier will make delivery to the Consignee in Field 8.
10. ROUTE - If applicable, enter the route the Carrier will take to the consignee. This Field may also be used to specify docks, warehouses, etc., and to specify any intermediate Carriers.
11. DELIVERING CARRIER - If applicable, specify the carrier which will deliver the shipment to the ultimate consignee at the Destination, but only if different than the Carrier entered in Field 6.
12. VEHICLE/CAR NO. - Enter any vehicle identifying numbers or initials, if applicable.
13. NO. PACKAGES - Enter the total number of packages per line item; if the packages are consolidated on a pallet or in an outer container, note this information on a second line. Ex: 112 PKGS 3 Pall.
14. DESCRIPTION OF SHIPMENT - Enter the description of each line item, noting the type of package (carton, barrel, etc.) and the quantity per package. Since the correct freight classification is essential in describing an item, there must be a separate line item for each different freight classification description. If more than one type of packaging iss used per freight classification, a separate entry must be used for each type of package.
Enter any special package markings, special handling requirements, and delivery instructions. Note: For hazardous material items, special provisions must be met in completing this field.
15. WEIGHT - Enter the total gross weight, in pounds, for each line item. For Bulk shipments, the TARE and Net weights should also be referenced in the description field. For package shipments, include the weights of pallets and skids. The total weight of the merchandise should be shown after the last line item, with pallet and dunnage weights shown separately.
16. CLASS OR RATE - Enter the 5-digit class (per the Uniform Freight Classification or the National Motor Freight Classification) or a two digit Class Rate (a percentage of the First class 100 rate) per line item. This information may be determined with the Carrier.
17. WITHOUT RECOURSE - Per standard Bill of Lading terms, the shipper is ultimately liable for freight charges, even when the shipment is sent on a collect basis to the consignee. By signing this statement, the shipper is released from the liability of freight charges for collect shipments delivered by the Carrier to the consignee without the Carrier's collecting the freight charges. For prepaid shipments, leave blank.
18. PREPAID SHIPMENTS - Enter "Prepaid" if shipment is to be paid by the Shipper. If this field is left blank, the Carrier will seek to collect the freight charges from the consignee (see field 17).
19. PREPAYMENTS RECEIVED - Carrier enters any payments received in advance from the Shipper for the shipment.
20. CHARGES ADVANCED - Carrier enters any advanced charges for the shipment, if applicable.
21. C.O.D. SHIPMENT - First, check whether the freight charges are prepaid (the Carrier bills the shipper) or collect (the Carrier deducts the freight charges from the amount collected from the Consignee). Second, enter the amount to be collected for the merchandise itself - be sure to include the freight charges. Third, enter any collection fees, if applicable. Enter total charges to be collected by the Carrier.
22. SHIPMENT DECLARED VALUE - When the weight charged by the Carrier is dependent upon the value of the shipment, the dollar value per unit of measure (ex: $100/pound) must be stated by the Shipper - enter this information in field 14.
23. SHIPPER - Enter the company name of the shipper.
24. SHIPPER'S AGENT - Enter the signature of the individual preparing the shipment for the shipper.
25. CARRIER'S AGENT - The Carrier's agent will sign here prior to taking control of the shipment.
26. PERMANENT ADDRESS - Enter the permanent (business) address of the shipper. This may be the same as for field 1.
27. CERTIFICATION - A signature is required by the Department of Transportation after this statement for all shipments of hazardous material.


This is a document by which carries out the contract of carriage of goods by water. Is the equivalent of 'consignment' in the air or ground transportation.

The 'information' must be provided by the carrier, master or ship's agent, charger, against the return of interim receipts.

This 'information' must contain the following entries:

a) Name and address of the carrier;

b) Name and address of the shipper;

c) Name and nationality of the ship;
d) Port of loading and unloading the vessel or where it should go to the 'receiver'.

e) Name and address of the recipient, if nominated, or the person or entity who should be notified of the arrival of the goods, if the Bill of Lading is by the order of the shipper or ship broker;

f) The nature and quality of merchandise, number of packages or pieces or quantity or weight, and most major brands of identification;

g) State and apparent condition of the cargo;

h) Freight agreed and place of payment;

i) Number of originals delivered;

j) Place, date and signature of the carrier, shipping agent or master.
What is a Bill of Lading?
1) Is the implementation of the contract of carriage of goods by water, and as such, proves its existence, its conditions, the freight to pay and, in general, the obligations of the parties.
d) Serves as 'Receipt' of goods on board.
3) It is a debt. In it there are three elements that characterize the credits: need, literal and autonomy. It is also a document of title for the goods, whereby the legitimate holder of the bill of lading can have it (sell, pawn or warranty, etc.) During the trip.

4) It is enforceable. The holder of the bill of lading has a 'legal contract' for the delivery of goods at the destination port (conf art. 585). The procedure for enforcement action to obtain delivery of cargo is regulated in art. 585 to 587 for the Law of Navigation.

The denoting 'Bill of Lading' which gives a obligation and means of flexibility to the first carrier when there is a single contract of carriage of goods that must be fulfilled at various stages by different carriers. Thus, it can happen that the transport of goods to the destination is carried out in several stages entirely by water, or part water and part on land, or part water and part air.



B/L Recibido para Embarque 
Este tipo de documento, demuestra que la mercancía ha sido recibida por el transportista en la fecha indicada en el documento, pero no que haya sido embarcada. Está especialmente indicado para el transporte de contenedores o multimodal, ya que, se emite en el momento en que la mercancía ha sido entregada al primer transportista o a la terminal de contenedores.

BL A BORDO: Es el documento que demuestra la recepción de la mercancía a bordo del buque. Es decir que la mercancía está lista para ser enviada. La prueba de que se ha recibo a bordo puede adoptar las siguientes formas:

a) En el texto del BL se incorpora la frase: "Shipped either on board as above local vessel...". La firma y fecha del BL se entienden como la del "on board". Esta forma es la más usual.

b) Si en el BL aparece "Received in apparent good order and condition (...) for transportation / shipment ...", en lugar del texto del apartado a), entonces la mención "on board" debe aparecer sobreimpresa, fechada y firmada de tal forma que la fecha de embarque será la del "on board" en lugar de la del BL.

BL A LA ORDEN  ( TO THE ORDER): Cuando un BL es a la orden, el propietario de la mercancía, es decir, el poseedor del BL, puede convertirlo:
mediante endoso, en nominativo.
ponerlo a la orden de otra firma
dejarlo con el endoso firmado en blanco (para que prácticamente sean al portador).

BL AL PORTADOR  (BL TO THE BEARER): Cuando un BL es al portador (es decir en el documento no se indica el destinatario), al poseedor del BL se le considera, a todos los efectos legales, como el propietario de la mercancía.
BL HOUSE: El BL HOUSE (BL emitido por el transitario) y el Non-negotiable Sea Way Bill (SWB) son documentos no negociables, que no dan derechos sobre la mercancía.
BL nominativo: Los BL nominativos son extendidos a nombre de una persona determinada, que podrá hacerse cargo de la mercancía previa identificación y presentación de uno de los BL originales.
Estos documentos no admiten endoso (cesión), sino simplemente cesión de derechos. Por ello es una forma poco usada, ya que no es negociable.

BL sin transbordo (BL Without Transhipment): Cuando se contemplan transbordos. A su vez, en este caso se distinguen dos modalidades:
a) Transhipment Bills: Si todo el recorrido se realiza por mar.
b) Through Bills: Cuando el transporte por mar sólo es una parte del recorrido (la otra puede ser vía fluvial). Estos BL son usados como una alternativa a los BL Combinados.
SHORT FORM BL o BLANK BACK: Se trata de un documento que no incluye todas las condiciones del contrato de transporte en el reverso del documento.
Su nombre completo es "Common Short Form Bill of Lading" y se denomina así porque no está emitido en el formato habitual de los documentos de las compañías navieras, con el anagrama y el nombre en el ángulo superior derecho, sino que el nombre del transportista debe aparecer escrito a máquina en su lugar.

SWB: El poseedor del BL puede negociar la venta de la mercancía durante el trayecto, especialmente si este es largo, lo cual le interesará debido a que durante el trayecto tiene inmovilizado un capital.
Si se prevé que no se va a vender la mercancía durante el trayecto, no se necesitará un documento que constituya título-valor de la mercancía.
En estos casos se utiliza el SWB (Documento de Embarque Marítimo No Negociable - Sea Waybill). Permite a la parte consignada un acceso a la mercancía en destino, en aquellos casos en que todavía no han llegado los documentos. El SWB es un documento de "Recibido para embarque" y no de un documento "A Bordo".

THROUGH BILL OF LADING: Un THROUGH BILL OF LADING se usa cuando el transporte marítimo lo efectúa más de un transportista. Entonces uno de los documentos que puede cubrir la totalidad de la expedición es el Through BL.



Inglés Castellano

A.F. Advanced Freight Flete adelantado
Ad.Val Ad Valorem Según Valor
BAF Bunker Adjustement Factor Factor Ajuste Combustible
B/L Bill of Lading Conocimiento de Embarque
B/N Booking Note Nota de reserva de espacio
B.S. Bunker Surcharge Sobrecarga por Combustible
b.t. Berth Terms Términos de Línea Regular
C.A.D. Cash Against Documents Al contado contra documentos
C.A.F. Currency Adjustement Factor Factor Ajuste por Divisa
CBF Cubic Feet Pies Cúbicos
CBM Cubic Meters Metros Cúbicos cld Cleared Despachado de Aduana
CI Consular Invoice Factura Consular
CO Certificat of Origin Certificado de Origen
C.O.B. Cargo on Board Mercancía a Bordo
C.O.D. Cash on Delivery Entrega contra reembolso
C.O.S. Cash on Shipment Pago Contado al Embarque
C.S. Congestion Surcharge Recargo Congestión Puerto
CS Collection Surcharge Recargo Cobro Flete Destino
C.T. Combined Transport transporte Combinado
CWE Cleared Whitout Examination Despachado sin Inspección dd Delivered Entregado
d.f. Dead freight Falso flete
Dis. Discount Descuento
D.O. Delivered Order Nota de Entrega
D/P Documents against payment Entrega Documentos contra pago
Dy. Delivered Entregado
E.L.S. Extra Lenght Surcharge Recargo Bultos Extralargos
E.W.S. Extra Weight Surcharge Recargo por Bultos Pesados
FBL FIATA Combined Transport Bill of Lading Conocimiento de Embarque Combinado
FIATA FCL Full Container Load Contenedor completo
FILO Free In Liner Out Flete (no gastos carga, si descarga)
Frt. Freight Flete L/C Letter of Credit Carta de Crédito
LCL Less than Container Load Menos de Contenedor Completo
LIFO Liner In Free Out Flete (si gastos carga, no descarga)
LT Liner Terms Condiciones línea (Flete si carga/descarga)
LT Long Ton Tonelada Larga (1.016 Kg)
M.R. Mate¦s Receipt Recibo del Piloto
m/s Motor Ship Motonave
m/v Motor Vessel Motonave
MT Metric Ton Tonelada Métrica
O/D Over Deck Sobre Cubierta
o/o Order of A la orden de
o/a Overall Medidas Máximas Extremas ppd Prepaid Prepagado
r.o.b. Remaining on Board Que quedan a bordo
SB Short Bill Of Lading Conocimiento Abreviado
STC Said to Contain Que se dice contiene